Jonkoping University - Jonkoping University

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Jonkoping University

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At Jönköping University research and education are carried out at four schools: Jönköping International Business School, School of Education and Communication, School of Engineering and School of Health and Welfare.

Jönköping University has around 10,000 students, of which 1,500 are international students. The university is one of the top universities in international student exchange and among the best in Sweden in terms of attracting international students. Campus has a truly international and academic environment with students and staff from all parts of the world. Both within education and research, Jönköping University has a close cooperation with business and society.

Jönköping University is one of three Swedish private, non-profit institutions of higher education with the right to award doctorates. JU operates on the basis of an agreement with the Swedish Government and conforms to national degree regulations and quality requirements. The university is characterized by internationalization, an entrepreneurial spirit and collaboration with surrounding society.
The university is organised as a non-profit corporate group with Jönköping University Foundation as the parent organisation and five wholly owned subsidiaries.
Jönköping University offers courses and study programmes taught in English at all three levels: Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral.

Jönköping University was established in 1977 during the reform of Swedish higher education. It was organized with five institutions, and after a few reorganizations there were three in 1987: Economics, Engineering and Education, culture and information. Jönköping University is characterised by focused profiles, internationalisation, an entrepreneurial spirit and collaboration with the surrounding society.

Jönköping University is one of Sweden's leading universities in the area of internationalisation and has an extensive exchange programme with approximately 350 partner universities worldwide. The campus has a truly international and academic environment with students and staff from all parts of the world.

  • Год основания
  • Число студентов

Академическая специализация

Undergraduate Programmes

  • Digital Visualization, Higher Education Diploma
  • International Management, Bachelor programme
  • Marketing Management, Bachelor programme
  • Sustainable Enterprise Development, Bachelor programme
  • International Economics, Bachelor programme
  • New Media Design, Bachelor programme
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Bachelor programme

Master's Programmes

  • IT, Management and Innovation
  • International Financial Analysis
  • International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • International Marketing
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship
  • Managing in a Global Context
  • Digital Business
  • Engineering Management
  • Urban, Regional and International Economics
  • Product Development and Materials Engineering
  • Industrial Design
  • User Experience Design and IT Architecture
  • Software Product Engineering
  • Production Development and Management
  • International Communication
  • Interventions in Childhood
  • EDUCARE The Swedish Preschool Model
  • Occupational Therapy (web-based)

Summer School

  • Read more about the Summer School courses
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Jonkoping University
Gjuterigatan 5, 553 18 Jönköping, Sweden
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+46 36 10 10 00
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Jönköping University is located in the City Centre. The modern campus with all four schools, the University Library and the Students' House is situated right in the centre of Jönköping, close to everything that the city has to offer. Jönköping is one Sweden's ten largest cities and is also one of the most beautifully situated at the juncture of three sprawling lakes. The accommodation alternatives that are offered to international students are all located within 30 minutes travel by public transport from the university.