Королевский сельскохозяйственный колледж - Royal Agricultural University
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Королевский сельскохозяйственный колледж

Справка о вузе

  • The RAC was the first agricultural college in the English speaking world.
  • Queen Victoria granted the Royal Charter to the College in 1845.
  • Sovereigns have been patrons ever since, visiting the college in every reign. His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales became President in 1984.
  • The College motto is Avorum Cultus Pecorumque, meaning ‘caring for the fields and the beasts'. The College continues to enact its educational, research and consultancy commitment in keeping with this motto.
  • Год основания
  • Расположение
    Юго-запад Англии
  • Число студентов
  • Удовлетворенность студентов

Академическая специализация

  • School of Agriculture, School of Business, School of Rural Economy and Land Management.
  • An extensive network of student placement sponsors, in the UK and overseas.
  • In just six months after leaving the College, 81% of recent graduates were already in employment, whilst a further 14% either continued to advance their education or took the opportunity to travel.
  • These impressive rates of employability continue for our Masters graduates, of whom 98% were employed while the remaining 2% continued to further their education.
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Royal Agricultural University
Stroud Road
United Kingdom
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+44 (0)1285 889912
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Популярные вузы

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  • Городской университет Дублина
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  • The campus is situated one mile from the centre of the Cirencester, in the heart of the beautiful Cotswold countryside.
  • London is just one hour by rail.
  • The main quadrangle sits alongside the 16th-century tithe barn and farmhouse, in 10 hectares (25 acres) of manicured grounds.