Университет Оклахомы - University of Oklahoma

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Университет Оклахомы

Студенческая жизнь

The Norman campus has three sections: north campus, main campus and south campus. All three campuses are connected by a bus service funded by student fees which allows students to park at Lloyd Noble Center and provides 5- to 10-minute service to the main and south campuses.

Besides, the university is home to National Weather Center, two prominent museums, Stephenson Research and Technology Center. It offers student housing and dining options, sports facilities and many others.

Oklahoma has over 350 student organizations. Focuses of these organizations range from ethnic to political, religious to special interests. Oklahoma Memorial Union (student union) houses many of these organizations' offices.

The student union provides a place for students to relax, sleep, study, watch television or socialize. The Union Programming Board provides diverse activities and programs in the union such as movies, bands, dances, giveaways or other activities. Intramural sports are a popular activity on campus with over 35 different sports available. 

Students can participate in a huge range of student organisations, as well as a student run radio and television station. Clubs include: Chess Club, Expressive Movement Initiative, Men’s Glee Club, Pre-Law Society, Society of Physics Students and Women in Business Association.

Проживание студентов

Oklahoma requires, with few exceptions, that all freshmen live in one of the five residence halls. The university offers students residence halls and apartments. The University of Oklahoma has six different residence halls, home to both freshmen and upperclass students. It also proudly offers two on-campus apartment complexes that offer many amenities and conveniences not found off campus.

Due to a low cost of living in Oklahoma many students find it financially viable to live off campus in either apartments or houses.

In addition housing and food services provides the OU community with more than 30 restaurants in 14 locations to enjoy.

Развитие карьеры студентов

Career services office offers a variety of programs and services to help all University of Oklahoma students identify, strategize and achieve their career aspirations. Internships are a great way to gain a career-related experience and a professional and relevant work background while completing a college degree. 

Students can explore their career interests while combining their classroom knowledge with real life work experience. Internships also offer an opportunity to earn academic credit and connect with professionals in the field they wish to pursue.

It also organizes workshops and events, on-campus interviews, resume writing, networking, help with contacting employers, etc.

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University of Oklahoma
660 Parrington Oval Norman,
United States
OK 73019-3072
United States
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+1 405-325-0311
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Oklahoma City, the closest major city, is 20 minutes away. It is also the closest city that contains an airport.