Политехнический институт Ренсселера - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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Политехнический институт Ренсселера

Стоимость учебы в Политехнический институт Ренсселера на 2024 - 2025

In 2016-2017 tuition and fees are $51,000 per one academic year.  Room and board expenses are about $14,600 per year.

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ПОЛУЧИТЬ пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th St, Troy,
NY 12180
United States
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+1 518-276-6000
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RPI's 111 ha campus sits upon a hill overlooking Troy, New York and the Hudson River. The surrounding area is mostly residential neighborhoods with the city of Troy lying at the base of the hill. The campus is bisected by the 15th Street with most of the athletic and housing facilities to the east and the academic buildings to the west. A footbridge spans the street linking the two parts. Much of the campus features a series of Colonial Revival style structures built in the first three decades of the 20th century.