Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет - СПбГУ - Saint Petersburg State University (SPbGU)

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Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет - СПбГУ

Студенческая жизнь

The SPbGU has a variety of student organizations, such as theater studios, tourist associations, and poetry clubs. Departments regularly organize conferences and open lectures. Some of the more popular yearly events are SPbGU's KVN comedy league and the Miss University pageant. Many departments curate student papers and magazines.

Проживание студентов

Dorm housing is about 8 euro (400 rubles)a month for full-time budgetary students, and about 70 euro (3,500 rubles)for paying students.

Развитие карьеры студентов

SPbGU operates a number of career and job-finding centers that help graduates find their footing on the employment market. Students have the ability to sign up for internships in their field of training. SPbGU has a number of cooperation agreements in place with major companies and organizations to arrange internships for students and help graduates secure employment. The university regularly holds Career Days, where students have a chance to directly interact with potential future employers.


Как ВЕРНО выбрать ВУЗ за рубежом?
ПОЛУЧИТЬ пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
Saint Petersburg State University (SPbGU)
Universitetskaya naberezhnaya
d. 7/9
Посмотреть расположение
+7 (812) 326-49-34
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The university buildings are located on Vasilyevsky Island, in the Smolny Palace, and in Peterhof. The Vasileostrovsky (on Vasilyevsky Island) and Petrodvortsovy (in Peterhof) are two of SPbGU's student campuses housing a total of 20 dormitories. The Vasileostrovsky complex is located in downtown Saint Petersburg within walking distance of a subway station and bus stations. The Petrodvortsovy complex is located outside city limits, but has all the amenities necessary for learning and relaxation. Getting from the Petrodvortsovy to Saint Petersburg is easy by commuter train or bus.